Separation Frocks

August 2018

Last year was a time of upheaval for me personally and the ensuing changes caused me to look closely at the last 26 years of my life as a wife, mother and artist. In that year I also embarked on an additional career as a Visual Arts high school teacher upon completing my Masters of Teaching degree. As part of the SALA (South Australian Living Artists) Festival I exhibited five wearable Art pieces exploring the theme of marriage separation. Entitled ‘Separation Frocks’, the garments collaged my pain, joy, betrayal and hope, using fabric, plastic, objects and stitching. It was my first attempt at working three dimensionally.

The catharsis was liberating and has sparked the desire to continue working through this medium with the intention of exploring its possible application onto canvas.

Below are a selection of images from my studio and the exhibition at Curious Orange Haircutters in Adelaide.